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RepairWatch Public Report
Georgia's Clean Air Force (GCAF) produces a quarterly repair effectiveness report called RepairWatch. Repair facilities that meet the following criteria are listed in the RepairWatch Public Report booklet, which is available for public viewing at all Georgia emission testing stations:
The facility must have completed 12 or more emissions-related repairs within the designated six (6) month reporting period;
the vehicle emissions retest passage rates on the FIRST retest must be 80 percent or better;
the vehicles must receive all the recommended emissions-related repairs; and
if the facility is also a testing station, the station certificate cannot be suspended or revoked at the time the report is written.
RepairWatch Facility Summary Report
Qualifying test and repair stations are provided a copy of their individual report, known as the Repair Facility Summary. The purpose of this report is to show emission repair success rate (how many vehicles pass their retest after having repairs performed at the facility).
Facility Summaries will be available online at the end of the following months: January, April, July, and October. If you are participating in the RepairWatch program, you may view your individual report via the GCAF Dashboard. Contact us for more details.
If you are a repair facility not currently participating in the RepairWatch program and would like to apply, please contact us.