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If you are a member of the media, you may reach a Georgia's Clean Air Force communications contact by phone.

Reach us at:

‪(470) 851-6712‬

NOTE: this number is for press inquiries only.


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Program Information

Georgia’s Clean Air Force (GCAF), in partnership with the Environmental Protection Division (EPD), is responsible for the management of the Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program throughout Atlanta’s 13 metro counties.

Since 1996, the Georgia EPD has worked to reduce harmful vehicle emissions. Georgia’s I/M Program has prevented tons of ozone-forming pollutants from entering the air we breathe by identifying and repairing more than 4.7 million heavy-polluting vehicles.

Press Releases | Infographics | VIDEOS


Clean Air Act 101: How Georgia’s Clean Air Force Is Making a Difference

press release | infographic | video


Vehicle Registration Tips for Motorists Aged 65 and Older

press release | infographic | video

How To Improve School Air Quality by Curbing Vehicle Idling 🚗 💨

press release | infographic | video

How To Fail Your Emissions Inspection

press release | infographic | video

Three Ways to Champion Air Quality Awareness Week

press release | infographic | video

How You Can Reduce Air Pollution from Vehicle Emissions

press release | infographic | video


Top Commuting Options for Metropolitan Atlanta Residents

press release | infographic | video

How Emissions Testing is Helping Improve Our Air

press release | infographic | video

Six Tips for Buying a Used Vehicle

press release | infographic | video

Who is Most At Risk During Georgia’s Ozone Season?

press release | infographic | video

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

web page | video

Georgia Vehicle Registration and Emissions Inspection How-Tos

press release | infographic | video


Georgia’s Clean Air Force Announces New Foreign Language Resources

press release | infographic | video

How to Prepare Your Vehicle to Be Fall-Ready

press release | infographic | video

Georgia’s Clean Air Force Launches New Website

press release | flyer

Top Consumer Tips for a Failed Emissions Test

press release | infographic | video

Preparation for Emissions Testing Can Increase Fuel Efficiency

press release | infographicvideo

Five Reasons We Test Emissions

press release | infographic | video