Waivers, Extensions, and Exemptions

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Repair Waivers

The need for full compliance with the vehicle emissions standard of the Georgia I/M program can be deferred with an emissions Repair Waiver.

If your vehicle does not pass the initial inspection and the re-inspection after repairs are made, your vehicle may be eligible for a Repair Waiver if certain criteria are met. Note: The initial inspection cannot be more than one year old (12 months) or associated with a previous Repair Waiver or registration renewal.

Please note: If your vehicle fails its annual emissions inspection, please have all related taxes and fees ready. Then visit your local county tag office for information about a possible non-renewable 30-day extension on your registration, per OCGA 40-2-20.

Repair Waivers are not renewable or transferable. The Repair Waiver application process and qualifications begin each year when the vehicle's registration must be renewed (the vehicle owner's birthday). For more information and final guidance, please see the Georgia I/M rules.

Additional information and a list of qualified repair facilities within your zip code can be found in the quarterly RepairWatch Public Report.

How to Apply for a Repair Waiver

Repair Waiver Applications may be submitted electronically through this website, or you may print, complete, and submit the forms in-person at any GCAF Customer Service Center. GCAF also partners with metro Atlanta tag offices to offer waiver services. GCAF recommends contacting your local tag office to find out the services they offer.

Please note: not all tag office locations offer waiver services. Contact your local tag office for additional information.

After GCAF determines your application is complete and the supporting documents meet the requirements, your application will be conditionally approved. In order for the application to receive final approval, the vehicle must be presented to one of our GCAF Customer Service Centers for a visual inspection.

Required Documentation

The following documentation must be submitted when applying for a Repair Waiver. Note: GCAF only accepts documentation in English; documents in other languages will not be accepted.

1. Completed Repair Waiver Application

  1. The registered owner’s address section:

    The address must be in one of the 13 metro Atlanta counties that require emissions testing.

    1. If an acceptable proof of ownership document is presented, GCAF will accept a P.O. Box as the registered owner’s address, when the P.O. Box is in Georgia.

  2. Vehicle identification information must include the year, make, model, vehicle identification number (VIN), and tag number.

2. Government Issued ID

The ID of the primary owner must be submitted with the application. This may include: a driver’s license, passport, resident card, etc.

3. Proof of ownership of the vehicle

You may submit one of the following:

  1. Copy of Georgia registration

  2. Copy of the current year or last year’s renewal notice (Georgia)

  3. Copy of last year’s Georgia tag receipt

  4. Copy of Georgia title

    * Please be aware that the email renewal notice does not display the full VIN and will not be accepted. All proof of ownership documents must display the full VIN, the primary owner’s name, and an expiration date (expiration date is not needed when submitting a title).

4. Must provide two failed emissions tests

  1. The vehicle did not pass the first inspection and the after-repairs inspection. The initial inspection cannot be more that one year old (12 months) and cannot be associated with a previous Repair Waiver.

  2. We will accept a diagnostic in place of the initial failing inspection.

5. The cost of emissions-related repairs must meet or exceed the Repair Waiver minimum amount of $1,146

  1. Repairs must be completed. Estimates are not acceptable.

  2. The following items will not count toward the Repair Waiver limit amount:

    • Emissions inspection fees

    • Surcharges

    • Taxes

    • Warranty work

    • Gas

    • Disposal fee

    • Shop supplies

    • Miscellaneous charges


A copy of the business license of the repair facility may be needed, in order for us to count the labor costs. If you have not started repairs, please make sure that the repair facility has and will provide you a copy of their current or last year’s business license. If the business license is needed, and we are unable to obtain it, only the cost of parts can be used in calculating the repair waiver minimum.

6. Other Considerations:

  1. If repairs are performed by the owner of the vehicle, only the cost of parts will be considered toward the Repair Waiver limit amount.

  2. If repairs are performed by an unlicensed shop, only the cost of parts will be considered toward the Repair Waiver limit amount.

  3. Receipts must be from a repair facility possessing a valid business license for parts and labor cost to be considered toward the Repair Waiver limit amount.

  4. The business license can be obtainable by the motorist and presented to the GCAF representative.

7. Receipt Identifiers

  1. Receipts must identify the shop by name, address, and phone number.

  2. Receipts must be itemized and identify the vehicle by the vehicle identification number (VIN) or (Tag/VIN, make, model, and year).

8. Present Vehicle for a Visual Inspection at a GCAF Service Center

  1. GCAF Service center locations are listed here.

  2. Some vehicles may require a visual inspection by a certified technician. You will then be directed to the appropriate facility of your choice.

  3. Motorists requiring visual inspections are also given a Repair Waiver Liability Form to review and sign.

Please provide all the requested information as listed above. Failure to provide acceptable supporting documentation will result in a denial or delay your consideration for approval.

Allow 8 to 10 days for processing electronic applications.

Next Steps

What Happens Next?

If you printed the application and completed it: please take it in to any GCAF Customer Service Center convenient to you.

If you submitted your application online:

You’re all set for now!

You should have received a confirmation number (waiver number) at the completion of your application that will allow you to follow up on your application.

Please allow eight to ten (8-10) business days for a response. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received.

If you did not receive a confirmation number, you may contact our call center at 1-800-449-2471 and give them the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). They will be able to look up your application and provide you with the confirmation number.  

Once your application has processed, a service representative will call the primary owner’s phone to provide an update on the application’s status.

If no one answers the call, a voicemail will be left, if possible.

If an email address was provided, in addition to the phone call, we will also send an email explaining the application’s status from waivers@cleanairforce.com.

If you did not provide us an email address, then we will attempt one final call to update you.

After two attempts have been made (phone call and email or two phone calls), we will not make any further attempts to notify you of the application’s status.

Instead, you may contact our call center at 1-800-449-2471 to check your status after 10 business days have passed, since you submitted your application. Please have your VIN or confirmation number available.  

NOTE: If the application packet is complete, it will be processed within eight to ten (8-10) business days. If the application packet does not contain all applicable documents required by the extension, exemption, or waiver, or the documents were not verifiable, the applicant will be notified, and the processing time will take longer. When the correct documentation is received, the processing time resets to the times outlined above. After 30 days of non-response/inactivity, applications lacking acceptable and required documentation will be deemed incomplete and closed by GCAF. 

You’re Approved, Now What?

If the application is approved, the approval will immediately be sent electronically to the tag office to remove the emissions test hold on your vehicle.  

You may now complete the registration of your vehicle by going online, utilizing a kiosk, or visiting your county tag office.

What About Testing My Vehicle?

Your vehicle will not need to be tested for the current registration renewal period. However, if you are still in need of an extension, exemption, or waiver, you will need to reapply and qualify under any new requirements each year.

For Out of Area applications only: Once the vehicle returns to Georgia, it must be taken for an emissions test.

Vehicles can be tested at any state-certified emissions station, not just at emissions stations in your county of residence. You may find the nearest emissions testing station by visiting the GCAF website at www.cleanairforce.com.

Remember that vehicles can be tested well in advance if the vehicle will be out of the area at the time of the owner’s registration. A test is valid for 12 months or one registration renewal by the same owner.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us using at 800.449.2471. Once you are past the language prompt, select option 4; then choose the topic that relates to your request.  Please listen to all of the information provided with your request. 

Thank you for helping Georgia breathe a little easier.


Complete the application online or print the application to complete it offline and hand it in at a customer service center. Applications may be submitted by email at waivers@cleanairforce.com